January 24, 2024

Parks Volunteer Events: a Year in Review

Throughout the year, City staff host a variety of volunteer events across our public spaces and parks system - together, volunteers and staff help restore landscapes, plant native species, maintain vegetation, and more.

To highlight the many accomplishments of these events, the City's Parks team released a Year in Review report summarizing the impact our volunteers have across the community: in 2023, 1,065 volunteers gave 2,200+ hours of service across 82 events in 14 parks on Mercer Island. Together, they planted 1,172 native trees and shrubs and removed 22,000 square feet of invasive ivy (that's over 10 tennis courts worth). Well done!

The City thanks all of these volunteers for their contributions to the Island. Thank you for all you do! If you're interested in volunteering or would like to learn more about these events, visit the parks volunteer page on the City Website.

Hopelink Mobile Market Visiting the Island

The City's Youth and Family Services Department provides a variety of services to help Islanders through counseling, wellness initiatives, and support services - including food security programs. YFS is piloting a new program with Hopelink to bring their Mobile Market truck to Mercer Island. The Mobile Market will visit the Community and Event Center parking lot on February 7, 21 and March 6 from 1:00pm - 4:00pm to provide fresh and shelf-stable goods to residents experiencing food insecurity.

This is a free market available to any Island resident or family facing food insecurity. You can learn more about the Hopelink Mobile Market on their website.

I-90 Lane Closure Information

Emergency work on I-90 has caused delays, and we know it’s been frustrating for drivers on both ends. We’ve worked to gather the latest information from WSDOT – here’s what you need to know.

The right lane of eastbound I-90 between Mercer Island and Bellevue has been temporarily closed by WSDOT on an emergency basis due to a failing expansion joint on the East Channel Bridge. This emergency single-lane closure will be in place for the next few weeks as WSDOT prepares the area for temporary lane restriping in February - this will restore all four lanes of travel and allow for the joint to be replaced in 2025 (moved up from 2027).

This lane closure resulted in backups both on I-90 and on the Island. Fortunately, WSDOT completed emergency lane reconfigurations on I-90 early this week. This has helped improve congestion on the freeway, which in turn helps reduce backups on East Mercer Way and SE 36th Street. WSDOT reports morning commute backups have been reduced from three miles to about one mile – they are continuing to monitor.

We’re continuing to monitor this situation and relay updates to keep you informed. If possible, try to adjust your driving schedule over the next few weeks to avoid congested times and areas. We know it's a pain and appreciate your resilience as WSDOT completes this emergency work. You can learn more on our website alert.

Don't Miss It: Heat Pump Webinar

Heat pumps heat and cool evenly, keeping you more comfortable in your home while being an energy-smart option that lowers your carbon footprint. That’s a win-win for you and for the planet. Join a free upcoming Energy Smart Eastside webinar to get a practical overview of heat pumps for homeowners - they'll cover the latest technologies, efficiency ratings, what to ask your contractor, and how to stack rebates and incentives to get the most value. Learn more and get the link to join on the Energy Smart Eastside website.

Get Involved: Sound Transit Oversight Panel and Conservation District Elections

Across many layers of government and public operations, resident input and oversight helps ensure your representation. Here are two opportunities to get involved:

Sound Transit is looking for volunteers to serve on their Community Oversight Panel (COP) representing East King County. This panel provides oversight of Sound Transit and the 15 panel members represent a variety of interests, professional expertise, and experience when they meet once a month. You can learn more about the panel and submit an application to serve online.

The King Conservation District (KCD) is holding its annual Board Supervisor election from January 23 to February 13. KCD is a natural resources assistance agency authorized by Washington State and guided by the State Conservation Commission, with a mission to promote the sustainable use of natural resources through responsible stewardship. Ballots are cast online with voting available through February 13 at 8:00pm. King County Elections will tabulate all ballots and report all results. The 2024 election has three candidates running for the position - you can learn more about the district and see candidate statements on the KCD website

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