February 21, 2024

Summer Camp Information Now Available

It may not feel like it, but summer is right around the corner. Our Recreation Team has been preparing a season packed with youth summer camp activities; from outdoor games to sports, theater programs and STEAM offerings. Get a head start on your summer planning by viewing available programs online.

The City has partnered with a variety of organizations to bring these great offerings to the Island. Registration is taken through each organization's website - you can see a list of all programs and get information on how to register on the City's Summer Camp Information webpage. Organizations can be contacted directly for additional information or to answer questions.

Keep Informed: Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review Underway

As part of the Washington State Growth Management Act, cities are required to periodically review and update their Comprehensive Plans - these plans guide growth and development over a 20-year timespan. The City of Mercer Island is currently reviewing its Comprehensive Plan for the 2024-2044 period.

Islanders are encouraged to learn more about what this plan does and engage with the review process on Let's Talk. Currently, a survey for those living in multi-family residences is open for Islanders to gather feedback directly from renters and people living in multi-family residences, including apartments, condos, townhomes, duplexes, and ADUs. But hurry: the survey closes this Friday, February 23.

Bike Skills Area Temporarily Closed

The Bike Skills Area at Deane's Children's Park is temporarily closed this week to allow for needed repairs to the wooden features throughout the course. American Ramp Company, the contractor that installed the course, is on-site reinforcing the anchoring system on the berms and ramps, where City staff discovered that some anchors had loosened with use. Repairs are anticipated to be completed by early next week and the Bike Skills Area webpage will be updated when the facility reopens.

Council Proclaims Rare Disease Day

At Tuesday's regular meeting, Mayor Nice proclaimed February 29, 2024 as Rare Disease Day on Mercer Island. This annual recognition is observed on the last day of February to underscore the nature of rare diseases and their effects on us all. One in 10 people suffer from nearly 11,000 different rare diseases, and 95 percent of them do not have a cure, according to the National Institute of Health. You can see the signed proclamation on the City's website.

Reminder: Report Issues Using MI Connect

We're not out of the woods yet when it comes to wet winter weather. If you see something needing the City's attention, you can always report it using MI-Connect: our online reporting tool. This platform lets you use a mobile app or the City Website to share things like broken infrastructure, clogged storm drains, and maintenance requests. These reports get sorted and sent to the appropriate department, and you can track their progress using the system - from when you submit it to work completion.

Check out MI-Connect and help us keep things running smoothly for all.

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