June 21, 2023
An Update on the Fire Services Proposal Process
At the June 20 City Council meeting, the Council met in Executive Session to discuss collective bargaining and potential litigation on matters related to regional fire services. The Council reconvened in an open session and passed a motion to direct the City Manager to begin negotiations with Eastside Fire and Rescue for regional fire services.

This step is part of the process to explore the adoption of a regional fire services model that started in April - in this scenario, Mercer Island would be served by a larger, regional fire agency instead of the City operating its own, smaller department. Mercer Island fire personnel would transition to the regional fire agency and both Island fire stations would remain open. 

The Council’s direction progresses the City’s process to explore in more detail the ways Eastside Fire and Rescue would provide a fire service model that maintains or enhances current levels of service while balancing long-term cost-effective fire and emergency medical service delivery. In addition to improved services, a regional collaboration would allow the City to provide more consistent leadership as well as a deeper bench of resources, specialty services, and growth opportunities for fire personnel.  

This step is one among many in a long-term process; it does not commit the City to a final decision or represent a final recommendation regarding fire regionalization. Learn more about this stage of the process and why the City is considering a regional fire services model on Let’s Talk. 
Luther Burbank Sport Court Project Underway
As the weather gets better, more and more Islanders are out recreating in the sun, including for a friendly game of pickleball. Good news for fans of the game: the Luther Burbank Park sport courts will undergo renovations soon, including permanent striping for pickleball courts.

Construction for the new courts is tentatively planned to begin in late summer or early fall, with completion planned for 2024. Learn more about this project on the City Website.
Apply to Serve on the Arts Commission
Help shape the future of the Island in unique ways by sharing your expertise or perspective on a Mercer Island board or commission. Currently, there is a vacant position on the Arts Council with applications to serve open now through August 25, 2023.

Candidates must be current residents of Mercer Island, unless otherwise specified by the Mercer Island City Code. Learn more about the Arts Council and how to submit an application on the City Website.
Be Aware: Utility Billing Email Scams
While anyone using email is no stranger to scam and spam messages, Islanders have reported several recent phishing email campaigns disguised as being related to utility billing and services.

Remember: always check to see what email address a message came from and look for signs of a scam message. The City's Utility Billing staff will never ask you for personal or financial information over email. When in doubt, you can give our Customer Service Team a call: 206-275-7600.
Emergency Management Events Coming Up
Emergency Management is hosting two upcoming events for the community focused on emergency preparedness and readiness training:

On Friday, June 23, from 11:00am - 12:30pm, join Emergency Management staff and volunteers for the annual Emergency Well and Community Points of Distribution (CPOD) Training at Rotary Park. This training will walk participants through how Mercer Island's Emergency Well operates as well as how volunteers can help distribute well water to the community in an emergency. The training will be held outside - please dress appropriately for the weather and the potential to get wet. 

On Saturday, June 24, from 10:00am - 3:00pm, the Mercer Island Radio Operators (MIRO) and Emergency Management volunteers and staff are holding an Emergency Preparedness Field Day event at Luther Burbank Park. Field Day is a nationwide event that extends into Canada where HAM radio operators try to contact as many stations as possible throughout the day. MIRO volunteers will be available to answer questions about radio operations as well as showcase gear and skills.
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