Design Commission Regular Video Meeting (No Video Available)

Thursday, May 12, 2022 - 6:00pm

The Design Commission meeting will be held virtually using video conferencing technology provided by Zoom, and the public will have the opportunity to provide comment during Appearances by either calling in or logging onto the meeting as a Zoom attendee.

Registering to Speak: Individuals wishing to speak during live Appearances or the Public Hearing must register their request with the Planner by 4pm on the day of the Design Commission meeting. Register at 206.275.7712 or email Please reference “Appearances” or "Public Hearing" on your correspondence. Each speaker will be allowed three (3) minutes to speak.

Public Comment by Video: Notify the Planner in advance that you wish to speak on camera, and staff will be prepared to permit temporary video access when you enter the live Design Commission meeting. Please remember to activate the video option on your phone or computer, ensure your room is well lit, and kindly ensure that your background is appropriate for all audience ages. Screen sharing will not be permitted, but documents may be emailed to the Design Commission.

To attend the meeting, please use the following Zoom information:

Join by Telephone at 6:00 pm: To listen to the hearing via telephone, please call 253.215.8782 and enter Webinar ID 853 6877 5705 and Passcode 099750 when prompted.

Join by Internet at 6:00 pm: To watch the meeting over the internet via your computer microphone/ speakers, follow these steps:

  1. Click this Link.
  2. If the Zoom app is not installed on your computer, you will be prompted to download it.
  3. If prompted for Meeting ID, enter 853 6877 5705; Enter Passcode 099750.