Parks & Recreation Commission Regular Hybrid Meeting

Thursday, June 2, 2022 - 5:30pm

May 20 - Notice is hereby given that the Parks & Recreation Commission will hold a Regular Video Meeting on June 2 beginning at 5:30pm.  The first part of the meeting will be a joint meeting with the Arts Council. The Parks & Recreation Commission will continue their regular meeting after the joint meeting is adjourned.


  • Parks & Recreation Commission Email Distribution List – May 20
  • Parks & Recreation Commission Calendar - May 20
  • Website Public Notice - May 20

The virtual meeting will be broadcast live on Zoom and recorded and saved on the City Council’s YouTube Channel

Registering to Speak: Individuals wishing to speak live during Appearances will need to register their request with the staff liaison at 206.275.7600 or email and leave a message before 4 PM on the day of the Commission meeting. Please reference "Appearances" on your correspondence. Each speaker will be allowed three (3) minutes to speak.

Join by Telephone at 5:30 PM: To listen to the meeting via telephone, please call 253.215.8782 and enter Webinar ID 825 9108 6996 and Password 896196 when prompted.

Join by Internet at 5:30 PM:  To watch the meeting over the internet via your computer, follow these steps: 

        1)    Click this link

        2)    If the Zoom app is not installed on your computer, you will be prompted to download it.

        3)    If prompted for Webinar ID, enter 825 9108 6996 and Password 896196

Join in person at Mercer Island Community & Event Center at 5:30 PM: Mercer Island Community & Event Center 8236 SE 24th Street.