The Grove at The Source

Source Tree Location Map

Thank you to our Mercer Island residents for the generous tree donations to the "Grove At The Source" in Luther Burbank Park. The Grove features three species of trees, planted in rows radiating from the spiral mounds of The Source, an earthwork created by artist John Hoge.

The ‘"Grove at The Source" is located at the south end of Luther Burbank Park, west of the swim beach. Watch as these beautiful trees grow over time! 


Tree Location


In Honor of

2 Christine Jordan Smith Trevor Powell

Peggy Crow

Mother's 90th Birthday


Farina Family

Jennifer Rosbach Macke
5 Diane Porter

Ken and Lyn Porter


Karen Beck

Peter Tonglao

Terri Piscotti

Peter Tonglao
8 Tonglao Family Peter Tonglao
9 Friends of Peter Peter Tonglao
10 Friends of Peter Peter Tonglao
11 Friends of Luther Burbank Bob Clark
12 Friends of Luther Burbank Joe Wallis
13 Matthew Frost Family Koa & Bandit
14 Heather Kahan Aaron Matthew Kahan
15 Marie Bender  
16 Alan Painter

Jackie Dev

17 Lis Brown

Marguerite Sutherland

18 Matthew Frost Family

Koa & Bandit

19 Jodi McCarthy & Marie Bender  
21 Alyssa Berg John & Jean Barlas
22 Friends of Ramsey

Ramsey Oliver Coles



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Donation Trees
Source Tree Location Map